Monday, November 29, 2010

Internet Outrage, Denial of services

All because of....WikiLeaks, Uncle Sam did a major outrage on the internet. sigh....

Monday, November 22, 2010

Genesis 22:1-19 (Abraham tested)

When we read about the chapter in Genesis, where Abraham had to sacrifice his son, we remember how God stopped Abraham from doing so, and sent a lamb as the sacrifice instead?
As I was pondering I found similar pattern on how God himself actually did what He told Abraham.
Isaac, the only son of Abraham, born from Abraham and Sarah when they are at very old age. He was loved by both his parents. Abraham brought him up in a fine manner, in the Lord's way. The fact that Isaac knew about the requirements of burnt offering (fire, wood, lamb) means he was taught in the ways of the Lord.
So, when Abraham was asked by God to 1) bring Isaac 2) his only son 3) whom he loved to the certain mountain in the region of Moriah , to be sacrificed as burnt offering.
Burnt offering is done for atonement of sin. It's either an offering of the male of a bull, lamb, goat, pigeon w/o defect. Isaac fit into that sacrifice. He is young and w/o defect.
Probably, when Abraham was asked, he must be thinking that he is guilty of sin and God has asked him to have atonement for his sin. And to have his son as the atonement, he felt even miserable. But he obeyed.
So they traveled for 3 days and reached the certain mountain in Moriah where he saw the place of sacrifice there. He left his servant with the donkey, grabbing the fire and the wood up the hill together with Isaac.
Out of innocent, Isaac asked,"we have the fire and the wood, but where's the lamb?" This is to reinforced the fact that Isaac knew what a burnt offering is all about. Abraham replied, the Lord will provide. Isaac knew in his heart that he is the sacrifice. He stop questioning/asking as when Abraham was making the altar for sacrifice. He knew that he is the sacrifice as he willingly be bound and laid on the woods on the altar. Isaac too obeyed the Lord. God spared Isaac and a lamb, whom was caught by its on horn was then sacrificed to the Lord. This is a great lesson of obedient and faithfulness.
This also reflects a very significant character of our Father in Heaven. Jesus, the Lamb of God, without defect, became man. He knew the works of His Father, he asked that the cup of suffering be past on but he chose to obey. The main difference from that of Abraham's sacrifice is that Isaac was spared but Jesus was not. He came, dying on the cross for the atonement of our sin, so that we will no longer need to sacrifice a burnt offering to reconcile with God but God came and reconcile with us and with Jesus' sacrifice, we have direct access to the Father because of His righteousness. Praise be to God! The Lamb of God that was slain, and the Lamb of God is risen and is seated at the right hand of God!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I miss Australia already

The cold weather, the nice scenery... i miss all of these... I am coming back one day, for sure.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Devotion to the Lord through studying, observing and teaching of His Word.

Ezra 7:10 For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.

STUDY the Word of the Lord
OBEY the Word of the Lord
then only TEACH.

We tend to .... listen/read then teach w/o obeying them first.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Habits that ALEX SIM needed to change

1) Keep things where they belong AFTER using it. E.g. put dirty clothes in laundry basket NOT on the chair
2) Turn off the lights/fan whenever I leave the room.
3) Keep in touch with Cheng Yee more often in Denton, Tx

Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's tough beyond comprehension

Dealing with people is so different in dealing with computers. When you are stuck in a software bug, you could just lose your cool on the PC. But when you are stuck with arguing with people, you can't just budge in. You need wisdom.
I am struggle, yes. but I believe God called me for a reason.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

After Cloud 9

After Cloud 9, what is next? The questions most couple would ask after marriage.
Yes, I am married....for those who are following (i doubt anyone else...hahah). I am married to my college mate, someone I knew 10 years ago. It was such a fabulous moment for me. It's like all the stress of preparing for the big day, the nerve recking moments when I sang her in .... it's all gone when I say I do! Haha....
Well marriage life is not so much different but more of a a life dependent on each other, a life living not by ourself again. Yes, we do have our own private time...yes I do play my PS2 and go futsal and she'll laze at home doing nothing.... but i guess it's kinda hard to go back to those time where I have meals alone, (esp dinner), watch movie alone,...or even shopping alone.
Wifey and I are still in the midst of adjusting especially on our spiritual walk with the Lord but Praise the Lord, we are attending Bible Study together. I felt it's a big move for us! Nothing beats a great time together with the Lord.
So, after cloud 9 what's next? Well...back on earth but with more anticipation (not expectation) and more to discover about each other.

Friday, May 21, 2010

When the world hates you

What are you going to do? I am really tired. Lord, give me the strength. I do not know how to lead this family.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I did it my way? or His way?

What are you going to choose between your God or your career?
Is it religion fault or your God's fault when you have to choose between His standard and your standard?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The body of Christ is ONE

The body of Christ which is 'broken' for us so we could have life and life abundantly. And as many of those who have life, when we gathered, we are the body of Christ. Each have their ministries and task but ONE focus - His Kingdom come, His will be done.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Who are we serving?

In life, there are probably few thousands if not millions of decisions that we make each day. Some are right decisions, some aren't but the important thing is NO REGRET. I believe there is another reason behind making one decision. Is is God centric or self centric decision?
Why does greed has to be in there in human, some might ask? After the Fall of Man, sin crept into the heart of man and greed is on of them. Insecurity also one of them. Bribery is also one of them. I can clearly remember the first time I actually did the short way out when I was still holding a 'P' motor license and I ride on a wrong way. I was chased by the police and i did what i shouldn't do. Yes, i bribed. That was one of the moment in my life I felt very guilty about. Other 2 incidents were quite similar. Stop by police, bribed. These are the 3 times in my life I have used monetary to escape punishment and i really do felt bad. My real reason was fear rather than hassle.
I have been standing firm with my decision on NOT bribing when I was caught breaking the traffic laws and Praise the Lord, i managed to (Not that I am careless in driving).
Today brought me to another new level of struggle in my work. I got to understand that to be in this industry, I just got to do the usual way to get business in. I know this is bound to happen when I accept this job but I didn't know it will come so fast. I'm struggling. I am yet to make a decision myself. Today's lesson in CG gave me an insight of what the Lord wants to tell me. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. I can only surrender to Him and tell Him, I am nothing. I can't do anything. Lord, please work a miracle in my life. I want to honour Your Name and that I what I want to do!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

To honor God and parents

Sometimes, definition of honoring can be defined in a very narrow way. What is honoring God got to do with honoring parents? One is a supreme being, ever majestic ever reigning, ever lasting...another is but mere mortals. Why God in the bible say to Moses, honor your parents for you will inherit the land when the first 4 commandments talked about honoring God the Almighty?

Being a Chinese who doesn't know much about my own customary, I am not sure whether I should be ashamed of myself or be glad that I don't know. A lot of my customs are tied closed to ancestor worships and the things that was done although outwardly there is not significant as it was a traditions inherited by their parents, inwardly there was a strong spiritual tie on it.

Being the only Christian in the family, it is really a struggle. A lot will say I am not honoring my parents and ancestors. In the bible, God says, love conquers all. Love never fails. We love because God first love us.

At the end, it is not about the actions or the ritual. I know that, by loving my parents, it is honoring them and this, will be the delight to my Father in heaven.